You have a completed fiction manuscript.
(Or maybe it’s still a work in progress. That’s great—progress is better than no progress.)
But you don’t know if your novel is good enough to attract the attention of an agent or a publisher. You know your manuscript needs editing, but even that’s confusing—who knew there were so many types of editing?
You don’t know where to start. You’re confused and overwhelmed with all the conflicting information. So you’re procrastinating.
Maybe you’ve looked at getting a developmental editor and can’t justify that level of investment without knowing what you’re going to get. Or maybe you don’t even know what level of editing you need.
That’s why I created the free Learn to Revise Your Novel in Two Weeks course.
To give Christian authors like you the tools to revise their novel, get the manuscript ready for editing, and get one step closer to achieving their publishing dream.
Without having to spend a penny. (Or a cent.)
And without driving yourself half-crazy trying to figure it all out on your own.
The Learn to Revise Your Novel in Two Weeks course isn’t like anything else you’ll find.
I’m not going to debate whether you should use the Oxford comma or not, or teach you when to use a colon vs. a semi-colon, or the difference between an em dash and an en dash.
Because none of that matters if you don’t have a story that’s going to engage readers.
In fiction, engaging readers is all that matters. Having a story that grabs a reader to the point they’re still up at 3am because they have to know what happens. (Guilty!)
In Learn to Revise Your Novel in Two Weeks, I take you through a twelve-step process to identify the major issues in your manuscript—the issues agents and editors look for, the issues readers care about.
And I’m going to help you identify which issues are the most important for you, to help you stop procrastinating and start taking action.
So if you’ve been feeling confused and overwhelmed, like you’re not a “real” writer because you don’t know how to do this stuff, then get ready to learn that you’re not alone, and that there is a way you can learn to revise your novel, reduce your future editing costs, and get one step closer to reaching your publishing dream.
Hi, I’m Iola Goulton.