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How to Use Commas in Fiction

Punctuation 101 | How to Use Commas in Fiction

The comma is one punctuation mark where there is a large degree of judgement and personal preference. Our struggle with commas isn’t helped by some of the misinformation we’ve heard over the years. However, there are clear grammatical rules about how to use commas in fiction. Examples of correct comma usage include: To link coordinate …

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Why isn't my Facebook Advertising Working?

Marketing 101 | Why Isn’t My Facebook Advertising Working?

Why aren’t my Facebook Advertisements Converting into Sales? This question came from a Facebook group I’m a member of. The author said they’d spent thousands of dollars advertising their book on Facebook, yet never had an advertisement that actually “worked”. I’m going to leave aside the obvious question of why someone would spend thousands on …

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Dear Editor, Should I Pay to Enter a Writing Contest?

Dear Editor | Should I Pay to Enter a Writing Contest?

There used to be a view that legitimate writing contests were free to enter, and that any contest that charged a fee was suspect. That’s no longer true—but it doesn’t mean that all writing contests are created equal, or that all contests are legitimate. Unfortunately, just as there are too many vanity publishers out to …

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